Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the
Albrighton & District Civic Society
held at 31/32 High St, Albrighton,
on Tuesday 7th April 2015 at 2pm
Present :       
Peter Woodman - Chairman
Rod Smith – Secretary
Kate Fletcher
Bob Hickson
David Beechey (ex-officio representing Donington-with-Boscobell PC)


1. Apologies received from Mike Pitchford, John Bulmer, Peter Leigh, Ron Kidson and David Thomas. Michael Ward (ex-officio representing Albrighton PC) did not attend.

2. Minutes of Meeting of 2nd March 2015 were approved.

3. Treasurer’s Report.– MP to report at next meeting

4. To consider progress in regard to following main issues

a) Boningale Homes Ltd (BHL) development of the Land East of Shaw Lane
RS reported that he has sent on 22/02/15 a copy of the Society’s comments (as sent to BHL) to Richard Fortune (SC Planning Officer) with a request that he come to a committee meeting to discuss the development. RS had chased up but still had no reply. ACTION: RS to again chase up RF for a reply.

b) George Evans’s suggested funding application for a community project from the committee he attends.
BH suggested that it may be a contribution for new signs leading to the Crown car park.
ACTION: PW to ask Vicky Hyde if their ~£40k funding for the Signage Project had any money left.

c) Station Master’s Building
PW reported that a deal between the owner and the potential tenant (carpenter) had not yet been reached.

d) Station Pedestrian Access Ramp
RS reported on the meeting held on 27th March 2015. A recent email from Alice Dilly to Malcolm Pate, which he kindly copied to the chairman, recommended that the construction of the SC works in Station Road be delayed and carried out at the same time as NR’s proposed construction period of about 10 weeks from June to September 2016 when they will replace the rail bridge over Station Rd. This to avoid closing Station Rd twice and also to avoid any damage to the Station Rd works if carried out prior to the Bridge replacement. While it is unfortunate that this will delay the opening of the ramp, PW and RS had discussed the matter and understood her logic and on behalf of the Society had agreed with Alice’s proposal and had advised Malcolm accordingly but had asked that a) SC get NR to make a firm commitment that the bridge work would be done at that time (NR’s original plan was for this bridge work to be in Winter 2013 but nothing happened) and b) that SC’s allocated approx £40k funding could be carried over into the following financial year. ADCS will press for all the work in finalising the legal agreements between the parties and the risk assessment for Alb PC (ie as the Action list of the 27th March 2015 meeting) be continued so that this is all completed asap to the original timetable. We need to keep the pressure on so that the project does not become stalled.


KF reported that they will hold an Arts/Craft Fayre on Saturday 20th June 2015. KF asked for help in setting out tables. A photography competition is being organised. AAHF hope to have a stall outside the Methodists, probably 6th June.

f). ADCS plan to set up a recruitment stall outside the Methodists on Saturday 25th April. Arrangements to be as for the previous event. ACTION: RS to circulate details by email.

g) Old Barclays Bank Building.
PW reported that the company which owns the old Barclays Bank building had not replied. ACTION: PW to make a Companies House search for better contact details, perhaps including the addresses of the directors of the company.

h) Eyesores.
BH now has a copy of the original PL/JB 2009 Eyesores Report. ACTION: BH with PL’s help will make a List of Eyesores with the name of the organisation/person which it is understood is responsible for it. This list will focus on the main eyesores in order to allow us to apply pressure on fewer items in the hope that action will follow. ADCS will deal with some items where possible - such as painting/cleaning. DB thought that Alb PC received about £3k per year to carry out certain cleaning work etc.
ACTION: ALL to add to the List which BH will circulate.

5. AOB

Next  meeting:  2p.m. Tuesday 5th May at 31/32 High St. (Peter Woodman’s house).  This is the day after the Bank holiday Monday



June Committee Meeting will be at 2pm on Monday 1st June

All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October
Public Meeting & AGM is at 7.00pm on Monday 12th October 2015